Please pray for the upcoming General Conference that God has His way amongst us and sets His church on His path with our new Bishop, Dr. Rev. Linda Adams, as she is installed at our Conference.

Pray for the Resolution that we (RRCC, along with other churches) are putting forward as we defend it before it goes to the Conference floor to be voted upon and for its adoption:
RE: FMCiC Doctrinal Integrity Resolution

Whereas: We believe the doctrine of the FMCiC faithfully represents the teaching of the Bible,
our supreme authority for faith and life,

Whereas:  we seek to minister to our culture in a relevant way while remaining faithful to
biblical values and ethics, such as found in passages like Mark 7:21-23 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11,
Whereas: the membership covenant and the ordination vows are a commitment to upholding and promoting our doctrine and practices,
Whereas: people may have sincerely agreed with those vows at one point in time and since had a change of conscience,
Whereas: conversations in the FMCiC that cause doctrinal division and confusion may sever the unity we have amongst us, which is not what God intends for His church, as stated in Philippians
Whereas: many Christian organizations (e.g., the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Tyndale
University) require leaders to regularly affirm their continued alignment with the organizations
beliefs and values,
Therefore, be it resolved: that anyone hired by the FMCiC or recommended for membership on any official committee (BOA, SCOD, MEGaP), task force, team or like group of the FMCiC,
and all those currently serving in these positions, be required to affirm in writing their continued
alignment with the Manual of the Free Methodist Church, including the Articles of Religion, the
Membership Covenant, and the moral vision articulated in Chapter 6, that are all biblically
based. The Bishop and BOA will stipulate who will administer this affirmation process. This
resolution is to be implemented by September 1, 2024 and signed each year by January 31st by all parish pastors, the staff hired by the FMCiC, and all the lay members functioning in any of the aforementioned roles.