The Care Team

The Care Team at Rice Road Community Church is committed to serving the body of Christ, and to reaching out to our community with the love of Christ.
At Rice Road, we believe this is an important part of our mission and calling as part of the body of Christ, and the Care Team works in practical ways to carry out that charge.
Zechariah 7:9 says ‘…show mercy and compassion to one another’.
There are a variety of ways that the team strives to do this which include: Provide rides to and from church Providing meals when someone is ill Visiting those who are in hospital or housebound Sending flowers to someone in need Providing financial assistance from the Compassion Fund to those in the community Setup and prepare luncheons for funerals
Should you, or someone you know, need one of these supports, please contact Marilyn Dye at
For more details
Contact Marilyn Dye
RRCC Office
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