
Merge is a team effort made up of young adults from the local churches in Welland and from Niagara College. We believe in celebrating the things that make us different all the while clinging to what really makes us all the same – our relationship with Christ.
We have young adults from all different backgrounds and denominations as we seek to MERGE together into one group that is passionate about following Jesus and sharing his love with those around us. We support one another, encourage one another and grow together. We are an official recognized Niagara College Club with the support and backing from the local churches in Welland.

“As a student who moved from the East Coast of Canada to Welland and not knowing anyone, Merge has become family for me. It’s an amazing way to meet new people, create epic friendships, have fun and build up my faith and relationship with Christ. Merge has made my move to Welland so much better than I ever imagined – having people to talk to, to serve in the community with, and to experience life with has made a world of difference.
Without Merge, my life would not be the same. Merge has helped me grow in my faith, given me an awesome social life, as well as amazing opportunities to serve in my new community. Sometimes you just find that group of friends for a year or so, but Merge has become my family for life!”
Join the Merge Welland Facebook group to learn more or Contact Us for more information.